Monday, August 4, 2014

Great Apps to use while Traveling without Internet

While on recent trips to countries I found myself numerous time without internet access.  It made me realize that there are many great applications that do not require an internet connection to function.  I was able to use three great applications on my tablet and smartphone that did not require the internet but greatly enhanced my trip.
The three Apps were duolingo, Google Docs, & PIXLR Express.

Duolingo came in handy for practicing French while traveling through France.  The App is great because it incorporates learning a language through listening, speaking, reading and writing.  I was previously only reading textbooks, and listening to Podcasts but duolingo really helped improve my writing in French.  The App provides lessons in a gaming format making each lesson similar to a video game level once the App is downloaded you can use it without internet.  The lessons are in short ten minute portions which make it perfect to an activity during downtime while traveling.  
As for editing pictures I really like the App PIXLR Express.  The App has countless effects that can be added to pictures.  It makes editing extremely easy and with the ability to save pictures onto GoogleDrive.  Here is one that I edited from Morocco.  

Lastly what better way to remember a trip than to write a journal?  The Google Docs App makes for the perfect digital travel journal.  Google Docs allows you to type offline by just clicking on the info for a document and then checking off "keep on this device."

Once checked off you can now type anywhere and the document will be saved on your device.  As soon as you reconnect to the internet the document saves itself onto Google Drive.  Google Docs was the perfect way to write freely on the go without worrying about losing your work.  

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